Many believers acknowledge Christ as Savior, are baptized, but stop short of being baptized by the Holy Spirit.  Listen as Pastor Jones talks about the importance of having the Holy Spirit alive and active in our lives.


God created you with a purpose, and for His purpose.  Has God given you a vision or dream for your life?  For many of us, we know exactly what God wants us to do with our lives, yet many of us, even into the later stages of our life, are still unsure.   Listen as Pastor Jones gives insight on how to get a vision for your life, and what God wants from us, while we wait for Him to guide our steps.


Do you have a relationship with a friend or family member that needs to be restored?  More importantly, does your relationship with God need restoration?  Get inspired by Pastor Jones and get a vision for restoration.


Our first touch from God brings salvation, freedom from guilt, and a peace that passes all understanding. But yet, even after that first touch, many of us still struggle with strongholds in our life. Listen as Pastor Jones gives insight into the story of Jesus healing a blind man by wiping spit into his eyes.


Pastor Pierre Jones gives hope to people facing any struggle, that this too shall pass. Listen as Pastor Pierre, teaches on the importance of breaking free from distractions, being proactive in your prayer life, and learning to wait on God.